Guide to Time Series Analysis with Python — 4: ARIMA and SARIMA

Buse Köseoğlu
9 min readJan 6, 2024


In previous articles, we examined analysis techniques, moving average process and autoregressive process. In this article, we will examine ARIMA (Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average) and SARIMA (Seasonal ARIMA).

You can access previous articles here.

You can find full code of this article on GitHub. If you are ready, let’s get started.

What is ARIMA(p,d,q)?

As the name suggests, ARIMA is a combination of AR and MA models and order of integration.

  • AR: autoregressive process says that the past values in the time series affect the present.
  • MA: Moving average process indicates that the current value depends on the current and past error rates
  • I: Differentiation is applied to obtain a stationary time series that does not show trend or seasonality.

All of these components create the parameters to be used by ARIMA(p,d,q).

  • p: This p-value decides how far back we go. It is the lag order.
  • d: It is equal to the number of times a series is differenced until it becomes stationary.
  • q: This parameter determines the number of historical error terms that affect the current value

In fact, apart from the AR and MA models, the only new parameter here is the d parameter. In the diagram below, you can see how the data should be examined after receiving it.

First of all, we need to pay attention to whether the data is stationary or not. After applying the transformations to make the data stationary (you can find them in the first article), we need to determine the d parameter of ARIMA. This parameter can also be determined by how many differencing we receive when making the data stationary. Later, in order to find the optimum values of the p and q parameters, we can create separate lists for both and try every combination of the 3 parameters with iteration. The model with the smallest AIC value can be selected as the best model. There is an important point here: if we want to compare models according to the AIC metric, the d parameter must be constant. The same d should be used in every model. After choosing the model, we should not say that this model is the best and leave it at that. Here we need to do a residual analysis for the model we chose. Residual analysis helps assess whether the model adequately captures the underlying patterns in the time series data.

What is SARIMA(p,d,q)(P,D,Q)m?

The SARIMA model includes P, D, Q, m parameters in addition to ARIMA. These parameters help us capture seasonality.

  • P: order of seasonal AR(P)
  • D: seasonal order of integration
  • Q: order of seasonal MA(Q)
  • m: Number of observations per cycle (frequency)

Note that a SARIMA(p,d,q)(0,0,0)m model is equivalent to an ARIMA(p,d,q) model.


Now let’s do all this in practice. We will use auto_arima from the pmdarima library to determine the optimal model.

For examples we will use the air passengers dataset available on Kaggle.

This data set contains the number of passengers on a monthly basis. The data consists of 144 rows and 2 columns. There are monthly time periods between 1949–1960.

When we examine the graph of the number of passengers over time, we can clearly see that there is seasonality even here.

df = pd.read_csv("AirPassengers.csv")
df.rename(columns={"Month":"month","#Passengers":"passengers"}, inplace=True)


To see this more closely, we need to decompose the data.
When examining the graphs, an increasing trend can be observed. Additionally, there is seasonality in the data. If there were no seasonality in the data, the “Seasonal” graph would continue as a straight line starting from 0.

# Decomposition

advanced_decomposition = STL(df.passengers, period=4).fit()

fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4) = plt.subplots(nrows=4, ncols=1, sharex=True)






We must apply the Dickey-Fuller test to decide whether the data is stationary or not.

  • Null Hypothesis: Data is non-stationary
  • Alternative Hypothesis: Data is stationary
def adfuller_test(y):
adf_result = adfuller(y)

print("ADF Statistic:", adf_result[0])
print("P-Value:", adf_result[1])


When we apply the Dickey-Fuller test to the “Passengers” variable, we can see that the p-value is greater than 0.05, meaning the data is not stationary. We can perform differencing to make the data stationary.

df_diff = np.diff(df['passengers'], n=1)


df_diff2 = np.diff(df_diff, n=1)

# d = 2

First order differencing did not make the data stationary. P-value is still greater than 0.05 so we perform differencing again. The second time the data became stationary. Thus, we determined that our d parameter should be 2.

train = df[:-12]
test = df[-12:]

We divide the data into two: train and test. We put 12 months of data to the test.

Now we will create an ARIMA model using auto_arima. auto_arima makes it easy for us to find the optimum parameters. It reduces the workload because it performs the iterations itself. If you wish, you can create your own function with for lobs without using this library.

ARIMA_model = auto_arima(train['passengers'], 
test='adf', # use adftest to find optimal 'd'
tr=13, max_q=13, # maximum p and q
m=1, # frequency of series (if m==1, seasonal is set to FALSE automatically)
seasonal=False, # No Seasonality for standard ARIMA
trace=True, #logs
error_action='warn', #shows errors ('ignore' silences these)

Model parameters:

  • Training data (train[“passengers”]: First, we give the data we want to train. Since the data we will be predicting is passengers, we give the passengers variable in the train data to the model.
  • start_p: At what number should we start searching for the p value for the AR(p) part?
  • start_q: At what number should we start searching for the q value for the MA(q) part?
  • test=’adf’: use adftest to find optimal ‘d’
  • max_p: The maximum value that the p parameter can take.
  • max_q: The maximum value that the q parameter can take.
  • m:frequency. If it is 1, we say there is no seasonality.
  • d: order of integration
  • seasonal: is there seasonality or not?

When we run the model, we can see that the best parameters it finds are SARIMAX(4, 2, 0). The reason why it is shown as SARIMAX is because auto_arima can also run the SARIMAX model. Since these models are already separated by parameters, the SARIMAX(4, 2, 0) representation is equal to the ARIMA(4, 2, 0) representation.

We can visualize the residual analysis of the resulting model as follows.

  • Standardized Residual: There is no obvious pattern in the residuals, with values having zero mean and uniform variance.
  • Histogram plus: The KDE curve should be very similar to the normal distribution (labeled as N(0,1) in the plot)
  • Q-Q Plot: Most of the data points should lie on the straight line
  • Correlogram (ACF plot): There should be no significant autocorrelation coefficients after lag 0, but we have.

The next step is to run the Ljung-Box test on the residuals to make sure that they are independent and uncorrelated.

ARIMA_model = SARIMAX(train["passengers"], order=(4,2,0), simple_differencing=False)
ARIMA_model_fit =

residuals = ARIMA_model_fit.resid
acorr_ljungbox(residuals, np.arange(1, 11, 1))

Here we expect all p-value values to be greater than 0.05. But the values we obtained are not like this.

To compare the ARIMA and SARIMA models, we will add the predictions of both to the test data.

test['naive_seasonal'] = df['passengers'].iloc[120:132].values
ARIMA_pred = ARIMA_model_fit.get_prediction(132, 143).predicted_mean
test['ARIMA_pred'] = ARIMA_pred

“naive_seasonal” treats the values of the last 12 months as the same as the 12 months in the test data we want to predict. So we assume the last 2 years are the same. ARIMA_pred contains the values of the last 12 months predicted by the model.

In the SARIMA model, we first need to look at differencing. As we know from ARIMA, first order differencing was not enough to make the data stationary.

df_diff = np.diff(df['passengers'], n=1)


df_diff2 = np.diff(df_diff, n=12)

Here we first take first order differencing. Since the data is not stationary, we do this process again, but we write 12 (frequency of the data — m parameter) instead of 1 in the n parameter. As a result, we can see that the data is stationary and the parameters are:

  • d = 1
  • D = 1
# Seasonal - fit stepwise auto-ARIMA
SARIMA_model = auto_arima(train["passengers"], start_p=1, start_q=1,
max_p=5, max_q=5,
m=12, #12 is the frequncy of the cycle
start_P=1, start_Q=1,
max_P = 5, max_Q=5,
seasonal=True, #set to seasonal

We use some extra parameters when using SARIMA.

  • start_P, start_Q: Initial value of P and Q parameters to be used in SARIMA
  • max_P, max_Q: Maximum value of P and Q parameters to be used in SARIMA
  • D: differencing order for SARIMA
  • m: Since we have seasonality, we must replace this parameter with the frequency of the data.
  • Seasonal: must be True since there is seasonality

As a result, the best model was found to be SARIMAX(1, 1, 0)x(0, 1, 0, 12).

When we examine the residual analysis of this;

SARIMA_model = SARIMAX(train["passengers"], order=(1,1,0), seasonal_order=(0,1,0,12), simple_differencing=False)
SARIMA_model_fit =
  • Standardized Residual: shows that the residuals do not exhibit a trend or a change in variance.
  • Histogram plus: residuals’ distribution is very close to a normal distribution.
  • Q-Q Plot: Most of the data points should lie on the straight line, which displays a fairly straight line
  • Correlogram (ACF plot): hows no significant coefficients after lag 0. Therefore, everything leads to the conclusion that the residuals resemble white noise.

To verify this, we will also perform the Ljung-Box test.

residuals = SARIMA_model_fit.resid
acorr_ljungbox(residuals, np.arange(1, 11, 1))

The returned p-values are all greater than 0.05. Therefore, we do not reject the null hypothesis, and we conclude that the residuals are independent and uncorrelated, just like white noise.
Our model has passed all the tests from the residuals analysis, and we are ready to use it for forecasting.

SARIMA_pred = SARIMA_model_fit.get_prediction(132, 143).predicted_mean
test['SARIMA_pred'] = SARIMA_pred

We can visualize the results of both models and observe which one gives results closer to reality.

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

ax.plot(df['month'], df['passengers'])
ax.plot(test['passengers'], 'b-', label='actual')
ax.plot(test['naive_seasonal'], 'r:', label='naive seasonal')
ax.plot(test['ARIMA_pred'], 'k--', label='ARIMA')
ax.plot(test['SARIMA_pred'], 'g-.', label='SARIMA')

ax.set_ylabel('Number of air passengers')
ax.axvspan(132, 143, color='#808080', alpha=0.2)
plt.xticks(np.arange(0, 145, 12), np.arange(1949, 1962, 1))
ax.set_xlim(110, 143)

The gray area in the graph above is our test data. The blue line shows the actual values. When we examine the results, we can say that ARIMA’s success is very low, but SARIMA is successful in its predictions. The addition of seasonality has been successful for the model.

We can also evaluate the success of the model with MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentage Error). Here we expect MAPE to be small.

def mape(y_true, y_pred):
return np.mean(np.abs((y_true - y_pred) / y_true)) * 100

mape_naive_seasonal = mape(test['passengers'], test['naive_seasonal'])
mape_ARIMA = mape(test['passengers'], test['ARIMA_pred'])
mape_SARIMA = mape(test['passengers'], test['SARIMA_pred'])
fig, ax = plt.subplots()

x = ['naive seasonal', 'ARIMA', 'SARIMA']
y = [mape_naive_seasonal, mape_ARIMA, mape_SARIMA], y, width=0.4)
ax.set_ylabel('MAPE (%)')

for index, value in enumerate(y):
plt.text(x=index, y=value + 1, s=str(round(value,2)), ha='center')

When we examine the metric, we can see that the best model is the SARIMA model.

Thank you for reading.



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